The Standard Poodle:
If you are looking for the perfect family dog, the Standard
Poodle is one of the top choices. They are clean, well-mannered, intelligent,
non-shedding and affectionate. These
wonderful dogs make excellent family pets that adore children. They generally stand between 22 - 26 inches
at the shoulder and weigh between 45 - 70 pounds. The breed is a member of the water dog
family;closely related to the Portuguese Water Dog. It is thought to have originated in either
Russia or Germany - and then later popularized in France where it is known as
the "Caniche" (from the French word for "duck"). The name Poodle actually comes from the
German word "Pudel" which means "to splash in water".
Like all intelligent
affectionate dogs, Standard Poodles thrive on human companionship and are
extremely eager to please their owners.
They excel in obedience, conformation, agility, hunting, tracking,
service and in their favorite past time - as cherished family pets. Standard Poodles will announce the arrival of
visitors, but are generally friendly toward them. They are highly adaptable and make good
watchdogs as well.
The Standard Poodle
is highly intelligent, making training a fairly simple process. They quickly understand what is expected of
them and can learn a wide variety of tricks and games. Standard Poodles are likely to enjoy the
training process. Any effort put into
training the Standard will reap large rewards.
Poodles require
regular brushing & grooming to keep their dense coat tangle free. The poodle should be trimmed every 6 weeks or
so. Standards need plenty of daily
outdoor exercise such as long walks, running, swimming, retrieving or playing