Give your Pug the care it deserves!
Pug Dogs are suitable for children because even if they are
strong willed, they are rarely aggressive. Majority of this breed are very fond
of children and sturdy enough to play with them. Pug Dogs can be very quiet and
docile, but vivacious and teasing at the same time, and this depends on their
owner’s mood. They can be very good watchdogs as they are always alert but
never yappy. Their owner can be very fond of them as they are known for
providing comic relief as they are clowns at heart.
Pay attention to this breed’s health and take care of them
as much as possible. They love to be comforted and you can do that by giving
them The Pug Dog Micro Fiber Blanket, which can be used by kids as well. This
blanket is made of 100% polyester and is machine washable, very soft and warm.
This can surely give comfort to your Pug Dog or the kids who will be using it.